Sonja Ezergailis

Sonja is a healthcare professional, teacher and coach with a passion for the outdoors.
She loves journeying by sea kayak and living from her boat as well as pitching her tent as close to the ocean as she can get, and I mean close!
Discovering new shores from a sea kayak, sleeping under the stars and exploring wild and beautiful places is where she feels most free.
Sonja has canoed and sea kayaked extensively in the UK and
internationally, including Finland, Norway Lofoten Islands, Turkey, Sardinia, Canada, the Gulf Islands, Sweden and Sicily.
During the Summer of 2017 Sonja came out on her first expedition to the
Ammassalik region and fell in love with East Greenland.
Further trips working as assistant guide in 2018 and 2019, culminated in an
expedition to Gino Watkins base camp have increased her addiction to this area.
This she states is the most beautiful, dramatic and inspiring location she has
ever paddled in.
Like many others, she now has the bug!
Returning when ever her schedule permits to assist with trips.